Women Our Story (Dorling Kindersley)

Women: Our Story

Full of stunning images, this DK book takes a fresh look at the events and personalities of women’s history—from the stone age, to the suffragettes, to —and shows their impact on the world.

From the earliest matriarchal societies, via centuries of subordination, the suffragette movement, and 20th-century feminism, to today, discover the key events in women’s history and the active role that women have had in shaping the world. Learn about the everyday lives of women through the ages as well as the key figures—the powerful, inspirational, and simply badass women who have shaped history, such as Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale, Frida Kahlo, and Rosa Parks—and the contributions of lesser-known women who changed the world. Set among chronological narrative pages and biographies of key figures, thematic pages explore the evolving history of women in areas such as education, entertainment, medicine, business, politics, science, and sports.

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