Marcy Kennedy – [Busy Writer’s Guides #10] Description

Busy Writer’s Guides Series (-10) by Marcy Kennedy

Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Writing
Overview: Marcy Kennedy is a science fiction and fantasy author who believes there’s always hope. Sometimes you just have to dig a little harder to find it.

In a world that can be dark and brutal and unfair, hope is one of our most powerful weapons. Hope is the certain expectation that something better is coming if we don’t give up. She writes novels that encourage people to keep fighting. She wants them to know that no one is beyond redemption and that, in the end, good always wins.

She also writes award-winning mysteries under a pen name, but that’s a secret. Shhhh…

Point of View in Fiction (Busy Writer’s Guides ):
Point of view isn’t merely another writing craft technique. Point of view is the foundation upon which all other elements of the writing craft stand—or fall. It’s the opinions and judgments that color everything the reader believes about the world and the story. It’s the voice of the character that becomes as familiar to the reader as their own. It’s what makes the story real, believable, and honest. Yet, despite its importance, point-of-view errors are the most common problem for fiction writers. In Point of View in Fiction: A Busy Writer’s Guide, you’ll learn —
• the strengths and weaknesses of the four different points of view you can choose for your story (first person, second person, limited third person, and omniscient),
• how to select the right point of view for your story,
• how to maintain a consistent point of view throughout your story,
• practical techniques for identifying and fixing head-hopping and other point-of-view errors,
• the criteria to consider when choosing the viewpoint character for each individual scene or chapter,
• and much more!

Deep Point of View (Busy Writer’s Guides ):
Deep POV takes the reader and places them inside of our characters—hearing their thoughts, feeling their emotions, and living the story through them. Compared to other writing styles, it builds a stronger emotional connection between the reader and our characters, creates the feeling of a faster pace, and helps avoid point-of-view errors and telling rather than showing. In Deep Point of View, writing instructor and fiction editor Marcy Kennedy brings her years of experience into showing you how to write deep POV. You’ll learn specific, practical things you can do immediately to take your fiction to the next level.

Description (Busy Writer’s Guides ):
Are you looking for a way to add new depth and re-readability to your writing? Are you tired of description being “the boring part that people skip”? Are you a writer who’s struggled with making their story world feel believable and three-dimensional? Description in fiction shouldn’t be boring for the reader or for the writer. Description: A Busy Writer’s Guide will help you take your writing craft to the next level by exchanging ho-hum description for description that’s compelling and will bring your story to life, regardless of the genre you write. In Description: A Busy Writer’s Guide, you will
• find the answer to the age-old question of how much description is too much;
• learn how to use point of view to keep description fresh;
• recognize the red flags for boring description in fiction;
• explore how to use all five senses to bring your descriptions to life for the reader;
• discover the ways metaphors and similes can add power to your descriptive writing;
• gain the tools needed to describe setting, characters, and action in engaging ways;
• learn how descriptions can add conflict, enhance the theme, and amp up emotion; and
• much more!

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