Anatomy for the Artist

Anatomy for the Artist

In Anatomy for the Artist, acclaimed artist and teacher Sarah Simblet unveils the extraordinary construction of the human body, and celebrates its continual prominence in Western Art. The transparent body. Using superb, specially commissioned photographs of male and female models, together with historical and contemporary works of art, and her own illustrations, Sarah shows us how to see inside the human frame, to map its muscle groups, skeletal strength, balance, poise, and grace. Selected drawing superimposed over photographsreveal fascinating relationships between external appearance and internal structure. Drawing from life. Six drawing classes guide the reader to see the human body afresh, offering techniques and attitudes that imaginatively show how to view and draw the skeleton, head, ribcage, pelvis, hands, and feet. Dissecting the Masters. By investigating ten Masterworks, the author demonstrates different artist”s ideas and knowledge across time, ranging from Holbein”s Christ Entombed, to Edward Hopper”s Hotel Room. Each Masterclass presents a photographed model setin the same pose, so that anatomical comparisons can be made. Understanding anatomy is often the key to an artist”s understanding and interpretation of the body. This imaginative modern reference book will enhance the drawing and painting techniques of artists at every level.

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