The Book of Self Mastery Timel – Designing the Mind

The Book of Self Mastery: Timeless Quotes About Knowing, Changing, and Mastering Yourself by Designing the Mind

Overview: With over 10,000 copies sold, The Book of Self Mastery is a thoughtfully curated collection of passages from the wisest thinkers in history on the discipline of mastering yourself.

With so much chaos in our outer world, it can be all too easy for us to neglect our inner world. But it is this inner world which holds the keys to our peace and flourishing. The great philosophers, psychologists, and spiritual teachers have all argued that happiness is found, not in building the perfect life, but in fortifying and mastering the vehicle through which we traverse it.

This collection contains many lifetimes worth of wisdom from brilliant teachers of the art of living, like Marcus Aurelius, Lao Tzu, Epictetus, The Buddha, Friedrich Nietzsche, Viktor Frankl, Abraham Maslow, and many more. It also features findings and insights from modern spiritual teachers, psychologists, and neuroscientists. And it now includes astute commentary based on a deep understanding of the thinkers and ideas presented.

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