Vogue Living Australia – September/October 2021
Overview: Vogue Living tells stories that engage, fascinate and excite, weaving together a myriad of influences that inspire our lives, be it cultural trends, arts and architecture, a new secret find around the corner, a far flung destination, or a privileged glimpse into a private and compelling world. Interiors, spaces and places, here or there, come vividly to life through their inhabitants and the lens of the camera.
Lighting & Decor – September 2021
Overview: Lighting & Decor — with a glossy monthly magazine, a responsive, customizable website, weekly e-newsletters, social media and video — covers lighting and fans as well as home decor categories like mirrors, pillows, wall decor, furniture, rugs, tabletop and more. It goes to 40,000 purchase influencers in print and digitally.