The Life and Zen Haiku Poetry of Santoka Taneda: Japan’s Beloved Modern Haiku Poet
The fascinating and quirky biography of a disheveled poet, skillfully interwoven with his original works.
Zen monk Santoka Taneda (1882–1940) is one of Japan’s most beloved modern poets, famous for his “free-verse” haiku, the dominant style today. This book tells the fascinating story of his life, liberally sprinkled with more than 300 of his poems and extracts from his essays and journals—compiled by his best friend and biographer Oyama Sumita and elegantly translated by William Scott Wilson.
Santoka was a literary prodigy, but a notoriously disorganized human being. By his own admission, he was incapable of doing anything other than wandering the countryside and writing verses. Although Santoka married and had a son, he devoted his life to poetry, studying Zen, drinking sake and wandering the length and breadth of the Japanese islands on foot, as a mendicant monk.
The poet’s life alternated between long periods of solitary retreat and restless travel,…